
Tyler Nelson, producer/cameraman has a degree in communications and has worked as producer on documentaries about Whooping Cranes,
Chinook Salmon, birds of prey, and powerline electrocutions of migratory birds. Tyler recently worked as segment producer for the IMAX  Walt Disney film,“Birds of Prey”  for Epcot Center.  He acted as wildlife consultant for scenes in the  Academy Award nominated French wildlife film “Winged Migration.”  He is an Emmy Award winning sports and wildlife cameraman specializing in ultra slow motion cinematography.  Recently he produced the one hour DVD “The World of Raptors” and a graphic educational production on techniques used to assist the blind.  He produced three  half  hour  films on wildlife management on lands owned by power companies  including Idaho Power, Duke Power, Pacific Power, and Florida Power and Light.  He is presently producing educational shorts for The Peregrine Fund and producing stock footage projects for the library of Echo Film Productions.   He is the vice president of  Echo Film Productions
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